The Current Health of the Luxury Streeterville Condo Market
Posted by Helaine Cohen on
If you’re wondering about the state of downtown Chicago’s luxury condo market, all you have to do is take one good look at the inventory in Streeterville to realize the level of opportunity that exist to current and future home buyers.
As of today, the last day of February, 52 luxury condos for sale are on the market in Streeterville that are priced at $1 million or over. The highest priced condo, Vince Vaughn’s spectacular penthouse unit over at The Palmolive, is listed at $13,900,000, while only one other condo even remotely close to that price point is also available over at 189 E. Lake Shore Drive.
Most luxury Streeterville condos for sale are priced in that $1 to $2 million range, and whether you’re looking for a magnificent vintage unit near the…
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