While those of us who live in Chicago often find things to complain about, outsiders seem to think we have it pretty dang good. According to Mercer, the largest human resources consulting firm in the world, Chicago’s quality a life is certainly noteworthy in a positive way, and good enough to rank 43rd in the world on its 18th annual Quality of Life Survey.
In the survey, Mercer considers a wide range of living conditions while evaluating “quality of live,” which include schools and education, political and social environment, and public services and transportation.
In all, 440 cities worldwide were examined, so 43rd place doesn't seem all that bad. In fact, the only U.S. cities to outrank Chicago are San Francisco at No. 28, Boston at No. 34, and Honolulu at No. 35. And although some of us may have differing opinions about Boston and San Fran, it’s pretty tough to argue Chicago’s quality of life compared to the lifestyle in Honolulu.
The top 5 cities on the survey were Vienna (Austria), Zurich (Switzerland), Auckland (New Zealand), Munich (Germany), and Vancouver (Canada).
Posted by Helaine Cohen on
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